Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Enjoy The Silence

Not really. Been a hectic weekend and don't even get me started about last night.

So I had to buy a new laptop in September because mine died (had a dj gig I need it for). I got a great deal on an HP and that's what I'm not now (love it!). Anyway, just before I had the "blue screen of death" on the other laptop, I had just been told by a colleague of mine that there was a way to to a system recovery that would allow you to re-load your initial computer settings from the factory (just in case you didn't receive your software with your PC).

Well, I was to late for the old PC, but my new computer has been asking me (not all the time but sometimes) when I boot up if I want to make a recovery disc. So last night like a DA I said "yes" and it said "insert disc 1 of 21". OK that was at 7:00 pm. OK at midnight, I as inserting disc 15 of 21 and very sleepy. So I took the laptop to bed, in addition to my blank discs and my sharpie (so I could write which disc of 21 it was) and kept waking up to change the disc when needed. Needless to say, after a few cocktails and a late night last night I am exhausted. Sorry I don't have anything whitty to talk about, but maybe tomorrow if I go ahead a sign off.

And just so you know, I plan to try to turn on the old laptop and hope that it will one time boot up like it should so I can copy all files I didn't get copied on my external hard drive (like my tax information for the last two years - not anything important - or the funny videos I have collected over the years (and let me say I have some good ones, some bad ones, and some ugly ones). If I get it booted up, I will do the system recovery (again) and replace the hard drive and use it for music only. I've been eyeing the 80GB iPod. Would love it!!!

Good night.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday The 13th

Are you superstitious? I'm not usually, but I don't tempt fate if I don't have to. I've got the luck of a one armed wallpaper hanger. I do find it more fun though when it's in the month of October (Halloween). As I said, I'm usually not superstitious, but my address has a 13 at the end, and with some of the weird stuff that has happened at my house...sometimes I wonder. I'll have to tell some of those stories at some point. They make for good reading.

Hopefully I can start my Friday off with Ghost Whisperer. I do hate it that it is on at the same time America's Funniest Video's is on, but I usually catch that on Sunday evenings. Ghost Whisperer should get the evening going. And I may even start up the chimenea. Can't decide though, my dog will love it, but I'm not too hip on sitting in the backyard with it dark and the chimenea by myself. Last time I did it, I sat with a pocket knife in my pocket - just in case. We may get a light frost so I already need to bring in some plants. Can you believe it? I hope we do have a cold Winter. Would love to kill some bugs.

Be careful today. Let me know if you have any crazy/interesting Friday the 13th stories.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rod Stewart?

OK, wasn't he that good looking guy in the early 70's that had the wacky hair, really tight pants, converse hightops, and a danced really bad? If that's the case, isn't he like 70 (I may have to take off my shoes to count up that high)?

I'm not sure if he's a singer/songwriter or just a singer. He did have some catchy tunes through the years (Maggie Mae, Do You Think I'm Sexy, Hot Legs, Forever Young...). However, I saw him on a daytime show one day this week (I think it was The View - could be wrong) and tonight he's on Dancing With The Stars? You know I don't mind people remaking songs. I kind of thought the classics CD's were pretty good (you know, sometimes you need some different kind of music occasionally) but now he's taken it too far - classic rock remakes? If you saw him on Dancing With The Stars, I think he hit all three notes the whole way though the songs. He definitely has a lot of backup singers (I think that's so you don't really hear him too much).

I'm not really sure what he's trying to accomplish. Doesn't he have like 12 wives/ex-wives/mother of his children, 30 kids, and 1000's of #1 songs? Maybe I wouldn't be so critical if he would do his own stuff - you know that's new.

I kind of like the ones that kind of fade into the background after they have made their millions, do their own thing, and then have a great comback. I sure wish the Carpenters could do that. Wouldn't they sell out shows. Man I love Karen's voice. I don't care if it is big nostril music, I love it. It's so toe tapping, and everyone knows all the words. Sorry that will never happen, it would have been great.

Well, I guess anyone could have remade the classics (rock or easy listening tunes) and they could have really made them cheesy. His aren't too bad. Don't think I am bahing him. He still looks fantastic, no wonder he's still having kids. I've actually got several of his CD's and have always kept up with him. It just kind of struck me as funny all of a sudden.

Peace out!