Friday, November 03, 2006

Do You Noodle?

Have you ever heard of "noodling"? Crazy folk in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Tennessee and Mississippi do it. It's catching catfish with your hands. I was going through the channels this evening and was watching the Okie Noodling documentary. These freaks go in lakes, creeks or some other body of water, get near shores and put their hands up under the banks and wiggle their fingers until something grabs their hands. OK, so don't water moccasins live in the same type places? These people are crazy and you should see the size of these catfish.

Don't they know there are other things in those wholes besides fish? CRAZY.

If you ever have the opportunity to watch the Noodling program, watch it. It's amazing how so many of the noodlers have very few teeth. Maybe there's something to that. Noodling = Bad Teeth.

What's Up?

Well, I'm back. Sorry, I've been out of touch, but I was visiting my sister in New Jersey. It's the second time I've been up there for Haloween. Last year she had a white trash party. This year she didn't have a party so we had more time to visit. It was awesome.

So I've been loving all the scary movies on AMC. I don't usually watch them, but some of the more gruesome - not scary ones I can watch. I didn't want to get freaked out if I was at home alone - you know.

There were some awesome shows on Biography and some other channels on Halloween day. There were lots of shows about Dracula (his family), exorcisms, witchcraft, Most Haunted and all that cool stuff. It's kind of scary watching all the stuff knowing that those things exist - at least according to the shows. I do believe in ghosts, I wonder why it is that only catholics seem to need exorcisms, I am very intrigued with witches/witchcraft but not enough to convert to Wicka, and love to watch the Most Haunted stuff - especially when the freaks get possessed. I used to love to watch the John Edward show. I hope my sister and I can get on his show one time when I visit New Jersey. I think it's freaky how he can see all that.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. Let me know what you think of the para-normal stuff. I think it's very interesting. It even made me want to come home and read the bible. I know, kind of weird. I've never really read the whole thing and I've started it hundreds of times. I don't even think I've ever gotten past Genesis. There are lots of stories I semi remember, but thought it would be good to read.