Friday, November 30, 2007

7 Things About Me

Biddie over at Life, or something like it dared bloggers to take this on. If you haven't read hers, please do. They are good. Marni tagged her to do it, and I felt compelled to take it on even though she didn't double dog dare me.

So now I have to decide if I give the X-rated version or the other version. Guess we'll have to see what happens.

1. The first time I smoked pot was at a church retreat. I had never done it and the girls I was "friends" with assumed I had smoked it. Then I heard that sometimes the first time you smoke you don't actually get high so I thought that maybe I would be OK. Not so...They pulled out several Cheech & Chong joints, we were up some trail in the woods and we smoked away. I thought I was OK but when we started walking back, all of a sudden I just started seeing trails and I swear I met God that day. It scared the crap out of me. For dinner I ate all kinds of things I had never had before. I think I even ate greens and liked them.

2. When I was a senior in high school, I hated it. My friends all went to another high school so I was miserable. I got this hot idea and actually thought it would work. I went into my counselors office and told her my parents were getting a divorce and that my father was moving to the school district my friends went to school and that I was going to transfer to that school and live with him. She said, "Ok, just have your father come by and sign the papers and we'll get you transferred." Well that was a long time ago but I think I said something similar to Homer Simpson. Anyway, I walked out and came right back in and said, "I just lied to you. My parents aren't getting a divorce, but if you don't transfer me to the other high school I'm quitting school (that I could do without parents permission and she knew it)." She then proceeded to talk to me and within an hour both my Mom and Dad were at the school and I ended up going to college my last quarter of school. I stuck it out even though I had LOTS of absences. I skipped school all the time my senior year.

3. I had exploratory surgery on my neck when I was in 6th grade. It turned out to be a weird drainage from my salivary glands, but it was yucky. The first surgery they thought it was a cyst. When they went in it wasn't and it drained for a year until I had surgery again the next summer (the second surgery was exploratory). I think my case might be in some medical journal because it was definitely strange. You can still see the scar. When people ask me what happened I tell them I cut myself shaving. Being a woman it usually takes a couple of seconds for people to say "what?"

4. I love scratch off tickets. Did I mention - yes I did - that I won $10,000 on a scratch off ticket on Thanksgiving? I was giving thanks that day for sure.

5. I am a huge animal lover. Sometimes I like animals better than people. Is that so wrong?

6. I sang in a chorus at Georgia Southern College and we sang backup for Barry Manilow for one of his concerts in Savannah, GA on a couple of songs.

7. My favorite author is Stuart Woods and I love his books about the character Stone Barrington. The Harry Potter books were pretty good too.

Not everyone knows all of these things. But you guys do now.


Blogger CindyDianne said...

Sometimes I like animals better than people too! No, it isn't so wrong.

Friday, November 30, 2007 at 10:43:00 PM EST  
Blogger katy said...

ooh you little devil you! great list! and nothing wrong with liking animals more than people

Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 5:27:00 AM EST  
Blogger Real Live Lesbian said...

Dammit...I had money that it would be x-rated!

Gotta love those church retreats! We used to play strip poker! :)

Great list!

Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 2:02:00 PM EST  
Blogger katy said...

you asked what cider was - its an alcholic drink made from apples very nice too!

Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 2:01:00 AM EST  
Blogger Marni said...

You crack me up! I was drinking some tea when I read "I swear I met God that day" and nearly flippen choked.

I like animals better than people, too... well... some people.

Monday, December 3, 2007 at 11:53:00 AM EST  
Blogger DJ Andi said...

cindy: Thanks, at least animals can't talk back - well Beaker kind of can.

Katy: Kind of surprised I actual posted those. Not everyone knows about them and I sure hope my Mom didn't save my blog in her favorites. Didn't realize you could mix cider with anything. I've only had it by itself, that's why I was wondering.

RLL: I don't think I could post anything x-rated. That was my first and last church retreat. It scared the "crap" out of me. Strip poker - I think that's worse than what I did. Of course, not as bad as 7 minutes in heaven though.

Marni: I wish I had been there to see you. Can you believe how stupid I was to think I might not actually get stoned the first time. Guess I've always been blond.

Monday, December 3, 2007 at 11:15:00 PM EST  

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