Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Day 2

Did I mention that I started Weight Watcher's yesterday? I guess not, I didn't blog yesterday. I was too busy preparing snacks for the next couple of days.

Apparently I forgot I was to start yesterday morning when I got to work because you know what I had for breakfast? Two fried eggs, 3 pieces of bacon and 2 pieces of wheat toast. That wasn't quite half of the points I was allowed for the day, but definitely more than I should have used.

We have enough people at work so a person from Weight Watcher's comes every week for the weigh in. It's just really convenient.

I did well yesterday considering breakfast. I brought snacks and my lunch today so I'm really boring at work but I'm doing pretty good. I did feel hungry most of the day though. Fruit and veggies don't seem to stay with you quite as long. I've got to find some other things that fill me up but don't have a lot of points. I just hope I don't get sick of chicken or start growing feathers. I wish I liked fish - it would at least give me me some other options. I'll figure it out. Only 12 weeks and 5 more days to go.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I started WW in case I seem sort of bitchy. It's only because I'm hungry.

Last-you know I'm serious if I stop drinking my hazelnut creamer in my coffee in the morning. I'm actually drinking it black with sweet and low.

Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm Bringing Sexy Back

Well, not exactly but I'm back. Sorry to be gone so long just trying to get myself together. I haven't had much to say and not really sure that I do tonight, but I want to get back to blogging.

I find myself single again and I am trying to find myself. It's very different spending so much time with alone. Not that I dislike it or anything, it's just very different. You'd think my house would be spotless - nope, but it looks a little better. I do try to keep up with it and have been trying to clean up a room at a time.

It was a good weekend considering. I had dinner with friends on Saturday night and laughed, ate and drank until about 1:00am. Sunday I met some friends at a cookout - but it was a cookout contest. I only brought a couple of sides, but there were some BBQ masters there. Some grilled shrimp, pork, chicken, beef and yes even kangaroo. I know I should have tried it but I just wasn't too sure. I'm usually open to things like that but it didn't really sound all that good. Everyone was supposed to bring sample sizes of sunscreen, shampoo, lotion, wet ones and chapstick because they were going to send a care package to the hosts cousin. I thought it was a great idea since it was Memorial Day weekend.

Today was a kind of quiet day. I rested, watched a movie and cooked some ribs. The best part of the weekend was going to WalMart and finding an iPod chair. It's called iCamp and it has two speakers on the arm rests. All it takes is 4 double A (AA) batteries and an iPod. The chair is prewired and ready to go. It was really cool to take to the cookout yesterday. The second best part is it was only $14.88 - the same price as the one I was about to buy.

Happy Memorial Day...hope everyone was safe and had a great day!