Sunday, February 11, 2007

High School Day's

I got this from Marni over at “It’s A Pug’s Life”, but she got it from Mish Mash. She called it the good old days, but it wasn't for me. I thought it might be a good way for you to get to know me a little better and I might actually remember something.

1. Who was your best friend (in high school)? 8th grade=Gina, Suzanne, Paulette (we were in chorus together all through high school), Cindy and Susan. 9th grade=Gina, Paulette, Cindy, Susan and Michelle. 10th grade=Gina, Paulette, Susan, Michelle and Denise. 11th grade=Denise. 12th grade=Denise, Kim, Margaret, and JB.

2. What sports did you play? Nothing at high school, but was on the neighborhood summer swim and diving team. I played softball at a local softball field.

3. What kind of car did you drive? I did not buy my first car until I was a senior (1982 Honda Civic hatchback with a sunroof – but no air conditioning). I started driving in 10th grade (the first in my group) because my birthday was in January. I had access to my parents car most of the time. A 78 silver Chevy Monte Carlo (it rocked, I called it the silver bullet) and a 78ish silver Chevy Camaro.

4. It’s Friday night, where were you? Usually went to the football games unless I was working (8th-10th).

5. Were you a party animal? Not too much, mostly just drinking beer. Not much of a pot smoker, but we loved our beer.

6. Were you in the “In Crowd”? I was friends with all crowds. I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t a nerd either (even thought I was in chorus). I did love to sing. There were a few cool people in our chorus-we stuck together and that made it fun.

7. Ever skip school? Oh yeah. My girlfriend was a year older than me and my senior year I would skip school and go visit her at Young Harris College. It got so bad I got in real trouble. I’ll have to tell that story sometimes. It’s amazying I actually am still here to write about this.

8. Ever smoke? Cigarettes? – no, I got sick everytime I smoked.

9. Were you a nerd? No way!

10. Did you get suspended/expelled? Almost for skipping so much.

11. Can you sing the alma mater? Being that I was in chorus and we usually sang it, yes. I remember the tune and the first couple of lines, but past that – no.

12. Who was your favorite teacher? Probably Mrs. Hill. She was my 8th grade math teacher that didn’t take any crap. She would not let you say yeah or uh huh if she called on you. It was either yes or yes mam. She was pretty hard on me but probably because she knew I had potential. I had her again in 10th grade. She inspired me to want to do better in math and I ended up taking math as electives – isn’t that weird? Also, I started college as a math major. That’s even weirder.

13. Favorite class? Chorus. It was fun every day. It was not like a class, it was more of a social experience.

14. What was your school’s full name? Henderson High School in DeKalb county, GA. It’s no longer a high school though. They have turned it into a middle school.

15. School mascot? Henderson Cougars!

16. Did you go to Prom? Don’t think me and my girlfriend would have been very welcome. We never talked about it, but it would have been funny.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Only if I knew what I know now. One of my childhood friends is gay. One of my best friends sister is gay. If I had known they would have been so open about it, my life would have been better but I had no one to talk to about it and could not tell anyone about it. It was a very hard time. I almost dropped out of school.

18. What do you remember most about graduation? Nothing – isn’t that sad? It was not really memorable.

19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year? Going into college my last quarter of high school. I was miserable. I didn’t have any friends or anyone to talk to at my high school. My best friend at the time went to another high school, and my girlfriend was in college.

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? We didn’t have anything like this.

21. Did you have a job your senior year? Oh yeah. I worked as many hours as I could. We were only required to take 4 classes. I made enough money to pay for a new car note and the insurance.

22. Who did you date? I had a guy I sort of went with in 8th and 9th grade but I was scared to death of him (in a sexual way). Then, yes I had a girlfriend my junior/senior year (more my junior – she met someone else while she was away).

23. Where did you go most often for lunch? The lunchroom. We were not allowed off the campus. We had a rent a cop at the time. I was always scared we’d get caught.

24. Have you gained weight since then? Not according to my license. I don’t think it has changed since I was 16.

25. What did you do after graduation? There was a party to go to, but I don’t really remember who had it and what we did.


Blogger Coffeypot said...

Was anyone normal between the ages of 12 and 20? I wasn't.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 11:15:00 AM EST  
Blogger DJ Andi said...

Good question? Maybe we should ask the crowd. I thought it was just me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 10:20:00 AM EST  
Blogger katy said...

define normal?! not sure if i am normal at my age now!!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 2:02:00 PM EST  

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